Thursday, October 16, 2008

Les Mesnuls

I've been slacking for the better part of a week on updating the blog with my whereabouts, because it's a bit difficult to explain. I'm in a little town called Les Mesnuls, not far from Paris--this much is simple. I'm staying in a house where my sister spent a good chunk of time growing up; I'm with her mom and her mom's husband. My sis is in Chicago. Confused yet? So are we. We've decided that I'll be introduced to their friends as their "niece."

In any case, it's lovely out here, but I can see how a fourteen-year-old could consider it hell. We're sort of out in the country (there's a farm across the street) but one can drive to Paris in half an hour if traffic is light.

I cheated and took the train here from Jocelyne's farm. It was straight back the way I had come from, and my bank account couldn't tolerate another five hotel rooms on the way back. In a few hours of train travel, one can cover as much ground as in a week of biking--amazing. But as soon as a kindly French farmer answers my request to come work for him or her, I'll be on the road again by bike. The exhilaration of being at large in the world with everything I need loaded on a two-wheeled, motor-less vehicle is inimitable.

View from my lunch table in the town of
Versailles. Check out the loaded bike on the
left side next to the windows...


Anonymous said...

maybe time off the farm will help the sausage thumb heal.

glad to hear you're doing well! I put the word out to some French farmers with whom I'm acquainted, so I hope to have something for you soon.

Take care!

Callie G. said...

Hey Lovely,
Wow look you at you galvanting around France. It's really fun to read you adventures--your writing has agreat voice. I, too, have been learning to love my bike here in Malawi. (Currently Peace Corps)I look forward to reading more of your adventures :)


Juliet said...

Catherine, your blog is superbly entertaining! very well written, and your photos are good too- maybe a career as a travel writer is in the stars for you perhaps? Hmm. Look forward to reading more of your adventures...they make me nostalgic for La Fraaahhhnce.
Grosses bises,

JTS said...

we don't want pictures of empty tables, twat. we want ones of you.

i had to sign in in order to post here, and i see that my name is "jts." i clicked this, and it took me to my own blog's homepage, which had been viewed once. ever.

so, i clicked back, and then i clicked "jts" again. and then it was viewed...twice. ...and now i have a new hobby.

Anonymous said...

Hey thanks for my lovely postcard! You are dearly missed at Lill Street but I hope you are having a great time. I wanted to send you something in the mail but alas I guess the part of being a vagabond is not being easily reachable! Either way hope you are well, talk soon, Bill